Luezar completes their safety gears range with this new SLC5000 progressive safety gear. This model has been designed to be used with high load elevators , up to 5295Kg + 7.5% in simple assemblies, and 10590 Kg +7.5% in tandem configuration . As well it’s suitable both for traditional 16mm guide rails T89, T90, T125 , T127 and for large format guide rails T140.
SLC5000 safety gear’s main advantage is the clearance at the guide rail head, 3+3mm on both sides and 4mm at the bottom, which allows to be used not only with guide shoes but also with rollers.
In order to make easy the assembly on the sling, the safety gear and all the accessories ( oscillating system, bushes, screws…) are provided assembled on a single fixing plate.


[icon_font type=»file-pdf-o»] Luezar information CM009  

[icon_font type=»file-pdf-o»] UE type-examination certificate according to Directive 2014/33/EU